Hell through Hades

In the field of flowers I found her,
Hidden beneath the clean cut bushes and wild roses,
Looking innocent and pure like a midnight dream,
Draped in a glittering pale rose and a string of pearls,
She stood proud with a head held high,
Like a fierce queen in the land of mist,
My future queen, my Persephone,
The cure to my barren land and fallen crops,
The breaker of my curse and the route to my land’s mortality,
The one who when bound to me will give me immense pleasure,
My future queen,my Persephone.
So I tempt her with love and magic of my own,
To lure her away to my palace of bones,
Perched upon the ferry with me and Charon,
She hears the legends of the dead that have a voice of their own,
She trembles in fear but her head remains high,
My fierce future queen, my Persephone.
Styx burns like a pit of fire and volcanoes burst with lava,
Then I hear Demeter, the goddess of fertility in rage,
She wails in fury to let Persephone back,
Tears of a weeping mother don’t move me,
And so I dragged Persephone forth in the hell,
Days went by with Demeter weeping and Persephone wailing,
The earth grew barren and underworld prospered,
Persephone became my queen and I her king,
But then clouds thundered and something happened,
A permanent bond to hell was made when Persephone made a crunch,
A lick of her tongue sealed the bond,
Half a year on earth and half here in hell,
For the six seeds she had eaten in hell.
My love, my queen now had to leave,
Her mother cried in joy and flourished earth,
My mate smiled and promised to return on time,
And I Hades, King of Underworld finally sighed in joy and love for,
My brave queen, my Persephone.

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